DASH Sponsors CannMed 2018 and Funds StrainSEEK® Improvements

We are DASHing into 2018.

Medicinal Genomics is excited to announce that DASH will be a Partner Level Sponsor for CannMed 2018 and will also contribute funds to improve the StrainSEEK® Strain Identification and Registration Service and Kannapedia.net.

DASH is one of the largest cryptocurrencies in the world, and it also has a self-governing and self-funding model. According to the DASH website, everyone in the DASH community has a voice and the ability to propose projects that help Dash grow and improve. Proposals are voted on by the DASH masternodes, and approved projects are paid out in DASH. Within weeks of submitting our proposal, it was approved by the community and we received our first DASH payment on January 2. View the proposal

“I’m somewhat shaken by the speed at which [the DASH Budget System] operates and how impactful this can be to scientific research,” said Medicinal Genomics CSO Kevin McKernan in a video update. View the video

What does this mean for Medicinal Genomics?

The most immediate outcome from this process is that DASH is a Partner Level Sponsor in the CannMed 2018 Conference. This partnership will be benefit both parties. DASH will get top billing among the CannMed sponsors, have a large footprint in the 19,000 square-foot exhibit hall, have access to private meeting rooms at the conference center, and much more. Learn more about CannMed Sponsorship Opportunities

CannMed 2018 will benefit from having DASH as a partner because it will attract presenters from the cryptocurrency space to speak about the inevitable intersection of the cannabis and cryptocurrency industries. Medicinal Genomics is a strong proponent of cryptocurrency technology, and we believe it can be used to solve many of the industry’s problems.

Which brings us to the other portion of the proposal. Part of the DASH funds will be allocated to improving our StrainSEEK® Service and updating the UI on Kannapeida.net. The first improvement will be storing the genetic information generated from the StrainSEEK® service on the DASH blockchain, instead of the Bitcoin Blockchain. DASH’s platform allows for much faster transactions that are also less expensive.

Our hope is that this partnership with DASH will continue to grow to a point where we can realize the vision laid out in our Blockchained Cannabis DNA white paper and create a transparent cannabis supply chain that cultivators, dispensaries, regulators, and consumers can trust.

Stay tuned!

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