Press Releases

March 8, 2016 – Courtagen and Medicinal Genomics Announce Expanded Speaker List for CannMed 2016 – 1st Annual Cannabis Medical Research Conference Being Held in Cambridge, MA in April The conference will feature internationally recognized thought leaders, scientists, physicians, and advocates working to advance research into the endocannabinoid system and cannabinoid therapeutics.

February 11, 2016 – CannMed2016 Announces That Kyle Turley, Former NFL Pro Bowler and Leading Cannabis Advocate, Will Speak at 1st Annual Cannabis Medical Research Conference Being Held in Cambridge, MA in April Former All-Pro NFL offensive lineman, Kyle Turley, will be a featured speaker at CannMed2016. This first annual Personalized Cannabinoid Medicine Conference will be held at The Joseph B. Martin Conference Center at The Harvard School of Medicine April 10-11, 2016.

January 13, 2016 – Medicinal Genomics Corporation and Courtagen Life Sciences Announce CannMed 2016, the Personalized Cannabinoid Medicine Conference, April 10-11, 2016 CannMed 2016 Personalized Cannabinoid Medicine Conference will convene leaders in research, medicine, and therapeutics to discuss real-world issues around cannabis-based therapies for neurological disorders

April 16, 2015 – Medicinal Genomics Corporation Launches PathogINDICAtor®, A Novel and Automated Microbial Screening Kit for Cannabis Medicinal Genomics Corporation, a pioneer in the genomics of medicinal plants, today announced the availability of PathogINDICAtor®, a highly robust and automated microbial screening assay for cannabis.

March 31, 2015 – Medicinal Genomics Corporation Launches SenSATIVAx®, A Novel Automated Plant/Microbial DNA Purification Kit for Cannabis Medicinal Genomics Corporation, a pioneer in the genomics of medicinal plants, today announced the availability of SenSATIVAx®, a highly robust and automated microbial DNA purification kit for Cannabis.

January 12, 2012 – Medicinal Genomics Introduces an iPad App to Explore the Science of Medical Marijuana Medicinal Genomics Corporation, a pioneer in the genomics of medicinal plants, today announced the availability of Jane-Ome, an application designed for Apple’s iPad tablet, which offers a science based dissection of medical marijuana.

January 15, 2011 – Medicinal Genomics Sequences the Cannabis Genome to Assemble the Largest Known Gene Collection of this Therapeutic Plant Medicinal Genomics Corporation, a pioneer in the genomics of medicinal plants, today announced that the company has sequenced the entire genome of Cannabis Sativa and Cannabis Indica, assembling the largest known gene collection of this therapeutic plant. The DNA purification was performed at the company’s research facility in Amsterdam, and the sequencing was conducted by several service providers, including the latest long read technology from Roche’s 454 sequencing center.

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