qPCR Plant Sex Detection Assay

Identify male cannabis plants just one week after germination
and save weeks worth of resources. The FemINDICAtor® Plant Sex
Detection Assay delivers 99% accurate results in less than 90
minutes, so growers can use their time, space, and labor wisely.



Extract DNA from leaf material using a 10-minute boil. qPCR instrument run time is just 1 hour.


Customers report 99% accuracy, which is consistent with internal validation data. 


FemINDICAtor® can be run on multiple qPCR instruments and can be easily automated with robotic liquid handling.

Trusted By

  • Assay contains multiple FAM primers targeting different regions of the Y chromosome to account for unique variations
  • Assay uses cannabis DNA for the internal control to ensure cells are properly lysed and there is no contamination in the Master Mix. Read more
  • 10-minute Lysis step
  • 60-minute qPCR cycling time

Looking for Testing Services?

Medicinal Genomics does not offer sex testing as a service, but we can connect you with a testing lab in your area that does.

Review the
FemINDICAtor® Protocol

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What our customers are saying

Jesse Leach | Colorado Seed Inc.
“Conventional breeding methods take a lot of time, labor, and off-site lab testing that slows down our breeding process and costs a lot of money! With the ability to accurately detect plant gender from our seedlings, our selection process has become much easier.”
David Critzer | Tissue Culture Biologist, Thomas C. Slater Compassion Center
“From a cultivation standpoint, Early Gender Detection is an awesome tool for us to have in our arsenal. The ability to know which plants are females about 10 days after germinating a pack of seeds saves us time and money. No more wasting precious resources and even more precious space growing out "useless" males.”

Related Resources

Prefer to Outsource Testing?

Growers who don’t have enough volume, lab experience, or start-up cash to test seedlings in-house can outsource to one of our partner labs. Complete the form below and we will connect you with a lab in your area. 

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