12 Things You Missed at CannMed 23

CannMed 23 at Marco Island, Florida, was a not-to-be-missed event. But if you weren’t able to be there, you wouldn’t know that. So here are just a dozen new developments, breakthroughs, and aha moments from this year’s summit that might just convince you to circle CannMed 24 on your calendar right now. In the meantime, you can find all CannMed 23 presentations, along with 100+ more videos from past events in our searchable CannMed Archives library. Enjoy.  

  1. In his keynote presentation, Ethan Russo, Founder/CEO of CReDO Science and medical director of Breeder’s Best gave a glimpse of the future of this industry, and the new products, processing methods and pharma botanicals that will define it. Watch Dr. Russo’s Presentation
  2. Hunter Land, Ph.D, the VP of Research & Development at Biopharmaceutical Research Company, Inc., one of just seven federally DEA- licensed cannabinoid research labs, had some encouraging news about how cannabinoids and cannaflavins can lengthen life spans while improving health spans. Watch Dr. Land’s Presentation
  3. Israeli scientist and cannabis researcher David Meiri, PhD, continues to break new ground and surprise audiences with his latest research, which this time centered around the possibilities of the entourage effect and hundreds of compounds we’ve yet to discover. Watch Dr. Meiri’s Presentation
  4. In testimony to the incredible healing power of the cannabis plant, Dustin Sulak, DO, Co-founder and Medical Director of Healer.com, showed how administering cannabinoids in low and even ultra-low doses can have surprisingly effective results. Watch Dr. Sualk’s Presentation
  5. Zamir K. Punja sounded the alarm on the Hop Latent Viroid plague decimating the crops of western grower, calling it the “Covid of Cannabis.” But Kevin McKernan, our very own CSO and Medicinal Genomics founder, debuted promising new research that found certain cannabis strains exhibit HLVd Viroid resistance, which they signal by turning their leaves purple. Watch Dr. Punja’s Presentation
  6. Michael Steward, M.D., showed how a proprietary blend of hemp’s active cannabinoids successfully treated long Covid. Watch Dr. Steward’s Presentation
  7. New, in-depth, immersive workshops, including the Lab Compliance, led by representatives from Modern Canna, Cambium Analytica, and Agilent; Capital Markets, led by David Traylor, Golden Eagle Partners; and Cultivation, led by Michael Straumietis, founder and CEO of Advanced Nutrients, were popular additions to CannMed this year, providing attendees with the opportunities to do a “deep dive” on their selected topics from some of the most respected practitioners in their respective fields.
  8. New findings from Dr. Bonni Goldstein’s Southern California-based pediatrics practice showed significant, positive results using lesser-known cannabinoids such as CBG, THCA and CBDV to treat neuropathic pain, inflammation and respiratory disorders. Watch Dr. Goldstein’s Presentation
  9. Cultivation expert, Soren Seifi, Ph.D., shared research on how cannabis landrace cultivars were powerful allies in breeding for Powdery Mildew resistance. Watch Dr. Seifi’s Presentation
  10. Staci Gruber, PhD, of the McLean Hospital Brain Imaging Center, Harvard Medical School, presented their first longitudinal observational research study performed by her Marijuana Investigations for Neuroscientific Discovery (MIND) center, whose results have important implications mood, pain, anxiety and pain-related distress treatment regimens.
  11. The production company for High Science, a major cable channel documentary, once again shot the entire CannMed 23 summit in preparation for the summit’s inclusion in its first season scheduled for release later this year or early in 2024. Stay tuned for that.
  12. Last but not least, Lumir Hanuš led medicinal plant scientists from all over the world in a keynote speech that paid tribute to Professor Raphael Mechoulam and his foundational work establishing the medicinal structure of the cannabis plant, a discovery that will continue to benefit the lives of millions for years to come.

Details for CannMed 24 are coming soon. Be sure to sign up for email alerts at cannmedevents.com to make sure you don’t miss out!

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