12 Things You Missed at CannMed 2022

Hey, we get it. Everybody’s busy, and you can’t be everywhere at once. If you were lucky enough to join us at CannMed 2022 a month ago, read no further. But if you couldn’t make it, here are a dozen amazing innovations, breakthroughs and good old-fashioned discoveries pushing the frontier of medicinal plant science forward. Enjoy.

1. Israeli scientist and cannabis researcher David Meiri, PhD, isolated some novel cannabinoids that shrink brain tumors in mice. His findings point to promising avenues of inquiry for human subjects.

2. DUIs are down in states with legal cannabis markets. Dr. Ethan Russo, founder and CEO of CReDO Science, explained why and shared his latest findings in his keynote on cannabis’ effect on depression, insomnia, PTSD, schizophrenia, anxiety, and addiction. 

3. Maintaining a crop’s terpene profile throughout the cultivation process is essential and now, easier than ever thanks to a novel system from Justin Bueno, PhD, and scientific director at Goodness Growth Holdings. 

4. Is this the year of hemp’s massive breakout? Keynote speaker Seth Crawford, PhD, and co-founder of Oregon CBD, thinks so and he explained the revolutionary developments coming to farmers’ fields in 2022. 

5.  Now Kevin McKernan, CSO and Medicinal Genomics founder, is sequencing magic mushrooms. So far the team has published 92 Psilocybe genomes, in living color, to Psilocydia, a new open-source, blockchain-integrated browser.

6. Plants get sick, too. But Hope Jones, PhD, CEO of Superior Phenos LLC and Emergent Cannabis Sciences thinks tissue culture may be the solution, with far-ranging positive impacts on the entire industry. 

7. Michael Straumietis, founder and CEO of Advanced Nutrients debunked the conventional wisdom on nutrients with a surprising straight story. 

8. Dr. Bonni Goldstein’s keynote detailed dosage and symptom management strategies for kids with autism, seizures, ADD/ADHD and more.

9. Eloise Theisen, NP, AGPCNP-BC, shared what she’s learned using cannabis to treat over 6000 patients with age-related illnesses.

10. Staci Gruber, PhD, McLean Hospital Brain Imaging Center, Harvard Medical School, presented the encouraging results from the first clinical study using high CBD products to treat anxiety. 

11. Dr. Michelle L. Shuffett, Chief Growth Officer at Radicle Science and a consultant for Columbia Care, Inc. documented the positive results of treating opioid addiction with cannabis.

12. The production company for High Science, a major cable channel documentary airing in early 2023 said CannMed “finally put the science in High Science” and is going to feature Medicinal Genomics and CannMed 2022 prominently in the show’s first season. Stay tuned.

All the CannMed 2022 presentations will be added to the CannMed Archives library next week, along with 100+ other videos from past events! Be sure to sign up for email alerts at cannmedvents.com to make sure you don’t miss the announcement.

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